Saturday, March 26, 2011

Pain and Bullshit

I have severe back problems and suffer through more pain than anyone ever should.  I'm usually alright, but recently I ran out of my pain meds as well as muscle relaxers and anti-inflamitoris and my doctor is being a difficult woman to catch up with for refills. So if I'm not my usual chipper self when you hear from me, then you know why.  Now on to the bullshit.  I got 2 really negative comments on one of my videos yesterday.  The bullshit part is that it was a fake account of the 5AG.  I know that none of them would ever speak to me that way this bastard did, but it really hurt my feelings.  I realize that when you put yourself on YouTube, you run the risk of negative comments, but damn.  It's one thing to attack my beliefs or criticize my selection of cinema or videos, but to attack me personally and say that no one on YouTube likes me and that I should just get the fuck gone....that was beyond BULLSHIT.  I'm one of the nicest people you could meet, or so I'm told by most of the people who's videos I comment on.  How could anyone be so cruel to someone that never has a bad word for anyone...unless they are homophobes and then they deserve anything I say to them.  Sorry if I rambled on too it says these are the "Ramblings of a Fruit Fly".

Friday, March 18, 2011

It's all about ME today....maybe.

Hey everyone, I just got on here.  Didn't know there was a place to put all of my ramblings and thoughts online.  Twitter just won't let you use enough words to really speak your mind.  I am having some issues.  I'm trying to get over my soon to be ex husband.  Part of me still loves him, but there is no way I could be with someone who told me via IM that he wanted a divorce and that I'm supposed to pay for it.  Ain't that some shit?  Then I got a call about a month and a half ago telling me that my GBF of more than 10 years finally died of AIDS.  I know he lived quite a long time with the disease, but that it finally beat him and took him away from me really sucks.  What am I supposed to do about a GBF now.  We had lots of stuff in common and always had so much fun.  I miss him dearly.Anyway, like I said, it's been a rough day.  The pic above is the dirty fucker I'm married to at the moment.  I know I'm 42 and he just turned 25 in October,  but I figured he knew what marriage meant.  Guess he was looking for the fairy tale happily ever after bullshit where people never have problems.  Needs a heavy dose of morality as well as a kick in the ass for treating me like shit.  I guess I've bent your ear enough for one night.  Keep being yourself and love yourself at least as much as I love my YouTubers.  Can't go wrong there.  <33