Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I have met some of the most amazing friends online, but one thing seems to bother me.  It's when they get into a relationship or meet other friends and then suddenly, they have no time for me.  It's all about that special someone or that new friend that evidently is way better than I am.  It really is a blow to my self esteem.  Is it that much of an inconvenience to tweet me or Skype message me or Facebook message me or text and let me know you're still breathing and that I'm still your friend?  I know to most of my online friends I'm just this really nice lady that looks out for them, but I do have feelings too.  I am not someone's friend for anything in return other than their friendship, but sometimes I feel like people only want to be my friend when they need a shoulder to cry on or someone to rant to about this or that.  It would be nice to know that my friends think of me even when they are having a good day. Now this is by no means directed at any particular person.  I just need to get it off my chest.  When you meet that special someone or find a new friend, please don't forget friends, like me, that were there in the beginning.

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